Title I - LAP - WIN Reading Support
Reading Support
A goal in Snoqualmie Valley Elementary Schools is to empower all of our students to become proficient, enthusiastic readers. Strong reading skills are the foundation for student success and a strong partnership between home and school builds that foundation. In each classroom, grades K-5, the students receive daily core reading instruction by their classroom teacher. During this reading time, students are taught content and complete activities that directly teach and provide mastery oriented practice of the critical skills needed to become a proficient reader. Struggling readers and students not progressing in various reading skills, as determined by district wide screening tools, are given the opportunity to participate in the Reading Support program, funded by Title I or LAP.
As a participant in Reading Support, students receive reading interventions that are in addition to their regular classroom instruction. This specialized program benefits students through smaller group sizes and explicit, tailored reading instruction, delivered at their instructional level by highly qualified staff. Reading Support Groups meet daily for 30 minutes. Specific instruction is provided, through research based curriculums, to help support the child in becoming a proficient reader. The Reading Support Group students are monitored for progress so that instruction can be adjusted as the students make adequate gains.
In Snoqualmie Valley schools, we want all students to develop reading proficiency, confidence, and a love for literacy that they will carry through their academic careers and lives. We recognize the importance of helping all children have a successful school experience by ensuring that students’ individual reading needs are being met, and that struggling or at risk students receive early intervention and at grade level and above students receive the opportunity for more in depth instruction.
Title I - LAP Information
- Title I - LAP Information
- Monthly Reading Connection Newsletter
- Title I - LAP Parent Information Night
Reading Intervention Specialist
Candace Gooch